Tuesday, November 02, 2004



As far back as I can remember there was a gun in my hand. By the time I was a teenager, my hand felt funny if it wasn’t holding a gun. My fingers just waiting for the handle, curled like the fingers on a G.I Joe doll.

So I remember shooting my mom, and I remember it not hurting her all that bad, and I remember not wanting to take a nap, but the other shootings in the beginning. The day-care worker, the cops, the little girls . . . I could tell you shit about them. I ain’t saying they didn’t happen. You can take his word on that. Judge for yourself. I’m just saying I don’t remember them. And as far as where I first got the gun—-I just ain’t the person to ask.

You got to think on it like this. I was three goddamned years old, and this was basically the beginning of everything I am. It’d be like school for you. You probably remember your first day of school, but do you remember your second or third? Do you remember how you got to school on that first day?

Read Next Chapter


At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the deal with this kid? Is this supposed to be real, or is it all a joke. I mean not the story, but for the characters. Is this real or what? Oh, and I like the line about the GI joe doll.

At 12:48 AM, Blogger Jade Bos said...

yes yes!
a technical sidenote
I gots confused here
" I could tell you shit about them. I ain’t saying they didn’t happen. You can take his word on that. Judge for yourself."
Its Billy's voice and then suddenly "You can take his word on that." I wasn't sure if this was a diferent voice, or if billy was talking bout his dad, or the narrator stepped in, or if something stranger was going on...

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Well, we have enjoyed many mornings, afternoons and eveningstogether in variety of situations. Apparently THEY havediscipline.


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